Troop 46 Eagle Scout Info

Eagle Scout Candidates

(Life Scouts who want to become Eagle Scouts)

While Troop 46 is a relatively new Troop, there is already a rich history of Eagle Scouts. Three of the first group of Scouts who joined Troop 46 have already become Eagle Scouts. Since then, three more have earned the rank of Eagle and several more are very close.

If you are a Life Scout and would like to become an Eagle, talk to the Scoutmaster. He will put you in touch with Troop 46’s Eagle Coach. It will be helpful for you to talk with the coach early in the process so that he can help you avoid common problems.

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Procedures

How to Download the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

Note: Do not attempt to open this workbook in a browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) or in programs such as Nuance PDF Converter. The workbook was created in Adobe LiveCycle, which must be saved to your computer and opened with Adobe Reader 9 or later. This enables the user to take advantage of the enhancements of expandable text boxes and importing images.

Click one of the following, depending on the computer you are using:

For PC users For Mac user

Guide to Advancement: the Eagle Scout Rank


Advancement Resources and Links to Other Needed Documents